여자라면 한번쯤 들어봤을법한 덴마크다이어트!요즘은 도시락으로 배달도 해준다더라구요...
근데 가격이 저렴한게 아니기 때문에 조금은 부담이 될수도 있을것 같다.
부지런떨면서 셀프로 싸게 먹어야할듯??ㅎㅎ
덴마크 다이어트 식단의 종류에는 어떤것들이 있을까?
식단표를 한번 살펴보자~
[출처] 덴마크다이어트식단표배달!!덴마크다이어트도시락챙겨드실래요??|작성자 살빼고싶은녀자
the denmark diet is a extremely popular in korea. this diet was
planned by the denmark state hospital and it concentrates on keeping the foods
you eat to have high protein, low fat and low cholesterol. you are expected to
exercise while doing this diet (though a lot of koreans did this for the sake of
not exercising, lulz).
the diet runs for 14 days and people who have
done this diet lost an average of 7~12kg (15~26lbs). that's huge considering
it's just within 14 days. generally, a healthy weight loss is considered about
1kg (2.2lbs) a week.
Meal Plan:
Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner | |
Day 1 | 3 boiled eggs 1 grapefruit 1 slice of toast 1 black coffee | 3 boiled eggs 1 slice of toast 1 black coffee | 3 boiled eggs vegetable salad (cucumber, celery, lettuce) |
Day 2 | 1 boiled egg 1 grapefruit 1 black coffee | 2 boiled eggs 1 grapefruit 1 slice of toast 1 black coffee | beef steak salad (tomato, celery, cucumber, lettuce) 1 black coffee |
Day 3 | 1 boiled egg 1 grapefruit 1 black coffee | vegetable salad 1 grapefruit 1 slice of toast 1 black coffee | 2 boiled eggs lamb meat (can be substituded with chicken meat) salad 1 black coffee |
Day 4 | 1 boiled egg 1 grapefruit 1 black coffee | vegetable salad 1 grapefruit 1 slice of toast 1 black coffee | spinich (dressed with a little bit of garlic and salt, and add cheese) 1 black coffee |
Day 5 | 1 boiled egg 1 cucumber 1 slice of toast 1 black coffee | 3 boiled eggs spinich (like before) 1 slice of toast 1 black coffee | fish (white meat) vegetable salad 1 slice of toast 1 black coffee |
Day 6 | 2 boiled eggs 1 grapefruit 1 slice of toast 1 black coffee | fruit salad (cucumber, lettuce, apple, strawberry, banana) | beef steak celery tomato 1 black coffee |
Day 7 | 2 boiled eggs 1 grapefruit 1 black coffee | cold chicken meat 1 tomato 1 cucumber 1 black coffee | vegetable soup (tomato, onion, carrot, lettuce) chicken meat tomato cooked lettuce celery 1 grapefruit 1 black coffee |
and then you repeat the cycle once
more equaling 14 days.
a few (important!) things to note are (unless
listed else above):
1. no salt (in egg, steak, chicken, fish...etc)
drink your coffee black (no sugar, milk, cream)
3. steam or cooked meat,
nothing fried (also no butter or jam for toast)
4. exercise (especially to
avoid yo-yo dieting)
5. no dressing in salads (only acceptable are vinegar
and lemon juice)
這不是新鮮Diet方法. 二十年前我己經見過了. 多年來它有不同的稱呼, 如: 西柚減肥法或食肉減肥法或atkin diet等.
回覆刪除總之, 重點就是減少carbohydrate攝取-- 戒任何的粉,糖,豆類.
想快速短期減掉十磅八磅, 這是真有效的方法.
其實, 不用跟足上面的每餐設計, 只要每餐是吃"適量"自己喜歡蔬果類和蛋白質類如蛋和肉和芝士,就已經會收效的了.(black coffee 雖然咖啡因有助利水和消脂, 但不是人人心臟受得了, 也有些人會失眠)
註: "適量"-- 每人個按年紀身高骨的粗幼和體力勞動量,會有不同的每日卡路里需要. 20歲女子, 一個會需要2000calories, 另一個卻可以只需1700calories. 所以每人都應先計算出自己大約所需的卡路里, 才決定自己要吃進多少食物. 如果1700的人吃2000, 那就算她跟足上面餐單,也只會是增肥而不是減磅.
因此你想增肥的話, 每餐都記著吃包含carbohydrate的食物.
下午茶/宵夜吃日式甜包如吉士包/紅豆包/奶油包/蘋果批/奶油tart等又多糖多carb的包, 會易肥. (宵夜是其中一種必殺技--食完即睡,無時間消耗,熱量全部消化和儲存)